2024 Breakneck Records Songwriters Studio
APRA Acquittal Report
Hi Michael,
I just wanted to sincerely thank you, Kelly, Alison and Shane for your efforts and enthusiasm at this year’s Songwriters Studio in Echuca. Please feel free to share this email with APRA, as we appreciate their support with this event and would like them to know just how valuable this experience has been for our students.
We have attended the Songwriters Studio for the past three years, travelling from Geelong. We run this music camp as an opportunity to extend our high achieving music students and this is supported (and partly funded) by our school’s High Achiever’s fund which helps students financially to take advantage of leadership opportunities and camps.
The students are required to submit a written application and audition with original songs, and we cap the camp at 10 students. As well as completing the Songwriters Studio workshops and Concert, they are required to meal plan, grocery shop and cook for each other whilst on camp. This year out of the 10 students selected we had 7 with Autism and/or ADHD and another with additional complex needs. I mention this, as it is remarkable that these students find music to be a place where they can express themselves and feel safe.
These students were challenged and encouraged throughout the workshops to collaborate with new people, contribute to multiple teams, be creative and ultimately present a gig full of original music. Through their engagement with the Songwriters Studio, and the genuine, supportive, and encouraging environment created by the mentors, I saw these students work through their anxieties and flourish into confident performers.
I have had many thanks from the parents of these students (many who have never stayed away from home before now) for the remarkable growth that these students have shown through their love of music and the support given to them via the Songwriters Studio.
As a result of our attendance the last three years, we have had our students write over 30 original songs, some of which are our bell music at school. We have had a significant growth in our instrumental rock band program and had many of these students go on to participate in “battle of the bands” competitions as well as look for performance opportunities outside of school. We regularly have students return to the camp over multiple years, and their ability to act as mentors for the new students further enhances the leadership aspect of this event.
Having industry professionals guide the students through APRA registration, social media profiles, music creation and performance presentation is so valuable for our aspiring musicians. The Songwriters Studio camp is regularly mentioned by our Year 12 students as the highlight of their schooling and our 2023 Awards Evening last December included ALL ORIGINAL MUSIC for the first time ever!
We hope to be involved in the Songwriters Studio in 2025!
Our students said:
Madilyn Dyer: It was honestly so much fun, I didn't want to leave. I loved meeting all the lovely new people and being in a judgement free environment where I could really express myself. Once in a lifetime experience, I loved it!
Riley Walsh: It was so good it didn’t feel real!
Ashlee May: The Songwriters Camp has really benefitted me on the whole, especially with the opportunity of going multiple times. It's given me the confidence to start working and performing my originals, working with people outside of my usual circle and expand my connections in the music industry. It’s helped me learn more about the behind the scenes of performing, copyright and backstage workings, and overall, just been a really incredible opportunity.
Kind regards,
Renae Barnett
Performing Arts Leader/VCE Music Teacher
Oberon High School

Thank you for supporting the 2024 Breakneck Records Songwriters Studio
Sponsored by APRA